Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday School

I was recently offered a chance to switch from assisting a class of 4 year olds on Sunday mornings to helping out with a class of 3 year olds.  The regular teacher and her family are adopting a child from Africa and can no longer fulfill their commitment on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.  I'd still be assisting the teachers, but currently no replacement can commit to more than one Sunday, so I'd also be the 'regular/familiar' face for the kids.

 Not sure what things will be like, but I had a chance to sit in last week, to try and get a feel for it.  Honestly, I wasn't sure what to think at the time, but I've had some experience with children this age, so hopefully I'll fit right in.  We'll see how things go.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Take A Look Through My Eyes

You once asked me to do something for you,
but little did I know that it was easier said than done.
True to my word, I give it my best.
My words sound better in my head than out in the open,
thus I usually come across as a silent person;
speaking little and seeing much.
If you were to ask me what it is I see,
I would not be able to answer right away.
I feel my answers more easily than I say them.
If it were possible, I would tell you to take a look through my eyes,
and see the things I see.

I see strength and resilience,
hidden beneath a smile that is eager to be seen.
I see a desire to brighten a person's day;
Laughter and joy shared among friends.
I see someone who enjoys the brighter side of life.
I see someone who can bring out the best in others,
even, and most especially, when that person
cannot see it within themselves.
I also see a person willing to stand up for their beliefs.
I cannot see the things you fear;
the things you dread may come to pass.
That tells me you are courageous and brave.

All these things - these traits, these qualities -
They are all admirable.
I do not know what sort of things life will throw your way,
or how you will deal with the,
but I do know that it will be a tale worth telling.
Hold fast to who you are,
and remember what it was like to look through my eyes.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Recent Artwork

This is only a rough drawing.  I'm going to do a final rendition on framed canvas.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog redesign

If you follow this blog, you'll have noticed that I've changed things up.  I'm a big fan of the movies TRON and TRON: LEGACY.  I've made changes to my blog to reflect that.

End of line.