Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The road goes ever on and on

It's almost been two weeks since my last exploration.  First attempt at posting got delayed by the raining and subsequent flooding in the Nashville area on May 1 and 2.  Second attempt delayed by lack of sleep, as well as a friend's birthday celebration (involving a sushi bar and a 9pm showing of Ironman 2), among other things.

So here I am, sitting on the enclosed deck of the house my parents are living in, finally getting around to posting again.

Now, without further ado, I shall begin...

April 30, 2010

Down the street a ways from where I live on 5th Avenue South there runs a set of train tracks.  I've passed them many a time on my way to Pinkerton Park, and seen many people following the tracks a ways, but I've never done it myself until now.

This is a cool building next to the train tracks.  Very near where I began my explorations.

About to start walking...

I really like doing shots like this.  Not sure why, I just do.

 "I hear the train a-comin'.  It's rollin' round the bend..."

One of a few bridges I had to cross.

I eventually went past the Factory on Franklin Road and ... whatever that other road is called.  I can't think of it right now.

Nice semi-enclosed (ish) part of the tracks.  Not a lot of direct sunlight, which was nice.  Made for some nice pictures.

Getting close to my turn-around spot.

By this point I had been walking for a 45 minutes to an hour, and decided it was time to head back.  Didn't want to repeat my 3-hour outing from my last exploration.  :)

And now I'm heading back.

And that's about it.  I took a lot of pictures, but most of them are so similar, I didn't want to post many this time.  I don't know when or where my next exploration is going to take place, but I'll let you know when I find out.  Until then:

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand." - Irish Blessing

Friday, May 7, 2010

Still upcoming, or whatever

I haven't forgotten to post the results of my last exploration of Franklin.  I was going to do it last Friday, but forgot, then last weekend it rained practically nonstop in the Nashville area, resulting in some major flooding in many, many places, most of which are still recovering.

I've been working, not sleeping well, and doing one of the things I do well:


Seriously, it's a big problem.  Granted, the rainfall and subsequent flooding has been a major issue, but I haven't been able to go out and help people help other people because of work.  I've had ample time to post my pictures.

And as I currently have nothing planned for after work tomorrow, here's what I'm going to do:  I'm going to write myself a reminder with BIG FREAKIN' LETTERS in black Sharpie, and make myself remember to not only write the blog entry, but work on -

- honorary member profile(s) for my facebook group "Knights In Battered Armor."
- my story

All three of these have been sorely neglected and I no longer have any acceptable excuse for not working on them.

*as I write/read what I wrote, it's already "tomorrow," so, all that is now referring to mid/late afternoon (at the earliest) on Saturday, May 8, 2010.  Until I go to bed.  Breaks for food and bathroom allowed.  Movies and tv shows (watched online) are a no-no.